Tests – Africa Cup: Eleven players who tested negative are required for kick-off

Yaoundé (dpa) – The teams at the Africa Cup have to improvise in the team in many Corona cases. Immediately before the opening game between hosts Cameroon and Burkina Faso, the association specified the modalities again, should there be several positive tests in a selection.

Unlike in the Bundesliga, where at least 16 players from the squad have to test negative, there are only eleven players in the continental tournament. The game would not be rescheduled as in Germany if the minimum number was not reached, but rated with a 0-2 defeat for the team concerned.

In “exceptional cases” the organizing committee of the Africa Cup reserves the right to make a suitable decision, it said. In the meantime, if all goalkeepers in a team fail because of a positive corona test, a field player has to go into the goal.

The substitution quota was set at five players. In order not to interrupt the flow of the game too much, every coach has three options for the change. In extensions, the coaches have an additional change of another player at their disposal.



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