Tesla: legal action against Sweden for the strike

Wall against wall between Swedish workers and Tesla, which is suing the state after postal workers failed to deliver license plates

Alessandro Pinto


There seems to be no end to the dispute generated by the strike, proclaimed over a month ago in Sweden, by the metalworkers’ union IF Metall against Tesla. The agitation called on October 27, born from the protest of a group of around 130 mechanics involved in Tesla maintenance, spread week after week to involve almost all the Swedish activities of the US company, including related industries. The news of the 50 workers of Hydro Extrusions who announced the interruption of component supplies to the Gigafactory in Berlin dates back to a few days ago until the union agreement is put in black and white, while the news of the Tesla’s counterattack. The company led by Elon Musk has in fact filed a lawsuit against the Swedish state, due to the refusal of postal employees who interrupted the deliveries of license plates to Tesla offices and workshops from November 20th. The Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri reported the company’s reasons: “The blocking of license plates constitutes a discriminatory act, without legal basis, against Tesla.”

the reasons for the strike

The strike in Sweden against Tesla arose after the stalemate over the signing of the collective agreement requested by the If Metall union. In the Scandinavian country, working hours and remuneration are not regulated by national laws, but are defined in sector collective agreements which cover around 90% of Swedish workers. The case has reached the top of the country, with the former prime minister Stefan Löfven who joined the chorus of protests raised by trade unions, who accuse Tesla of gaining competitive advantages by offering workers lower wages than those guaranteed by collective agreements.
