Telstar acquisition Giovanni: “I want to play behind the striker here”

Yesterday Giovanni was presented at Telstar as the newest addition. The Brazilian is rented from neighbor Ajax and is the third winter transfer of the team from Velsen-Zuid after Stanley Akoy and Randy Wolters. “I want to score goals and win games here,” said Giovanni.

Telstar acquisition Giovanni: “I want to play behind the strikers here” – NH Sport/Frank van der Meijden

Giovanni played 31 official matches for Young Ajax and was often used as a wing attacker. “I came to Telstar because I can play behind the striker here. I am not a left or right winger. I am a number ten,” said the 19-year-old attacker.

“I’m not a left or right winger. I’m a number ten”

Telstar player Giovanni

Giovanni could possibly make his debut for Telstar tomorrow evening. The White Lions play because the cup match against PSV. “At Ajax I just participated in every training session. I am one hundred percent fit. I would like to play tomorrow, but of course it is up to the trainer to determine whether I get minutes.”

The match between PSV and Telstar can be followed live on NH Radio tomorrow evening. The broadcast of NH Sport starts at 6.30 pm. Kick-off in Eindhoven is at 6.45 pm.

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