Team boss Red Bull: ‘Biggest change F1 in 30 years’ | 1Limburg

Formula 1 has made its biggest change of the last thirty years. That is what team boss Christian Horner of Red Bull Racing said at the presentation of the RB18, the car in which Max Verstappen will defend his world title this year.

“It will also be an evolving race this year, from the first to the last race,” said the Briton.

Different from last year
The cars have been thoroughly changed by new regulations, mainly in the field of aerodynamics. “The whole philosophy has changed and that means that every part of this car is different from last year. By the time the first race is there in March, the car will already look different from this one. The evolution will be very different.” go fast,” Horner expects.

Also read: Max Verstappen will defend his title in this car

‘Keep number 1’
However, the team boss has rock-solid confidence in Verstappen. “We have number 1 on the car this year and we intend to keep that number. Max was phenomenal last season. He drove a great season leading by far the most laps, winning ten grands prix and the world title. He is brimming with confidence.”


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