Etiket: Werknemers
In 2 op de 3 bedrijven krijgen nieuwe werknemers hoger loon dan collegiate’s he al long works | money
The increased number of new jobs is to be done with the writing on the job market, the ‘war for talent’, the door bedrijven should be open to people within…
ruim 200 werknemers minder en fictiereeksen as ‘Thuis’ been uitbesteed
The VRT has a ‘transformatieplan’ planned, so announces vakbond ACV. De Vlaamse openbare omroep wil onder Meer 116 mensen ontslaan and 50 workers who change the days of the job…
Werknemer’s Amazon in New York lifts the front of the building bond
Works from a distribution center from Webwinkel Amazon in New York are made for the purpose of preparing a vacuum bond. Het is the first one for Amazon in the…