Tag: Vlaanderen
KMI was made with code yellow in heel Vlaanderen voor gladdewegen op zondag, nu al gevaar voor gladheid in West- en Oost-Vlaanderen en aan de kust | Snow in Vlaanderen
The KMI was ready for joy because of the day. The combination of cold temperatures and a neerslagzone which in the loop of the day from west to east treks,…
Wallonië gaat akkoord with Belgian klimaatdoelen, Vlaanderen voorlopig niet | Inland
The European countries need an updated version of India’s energy and climate plans for the period from 2021 to 2030, with the manner in which the CO2 emissions will be…
WEER REPORT. We have been overspoeld door buien: “Coming 24 uur 10 tot 20 liters of rain per square meter in West Vlaanderen” | Water(ellende) in the Westhoek
Na alweer een dag vol buien gisteren, wordt ons land ook vandaag/donderdag na eerst en korte drug period “overspoeld door buien vanaf het westen”, zo formulaert het KMI het. Vooral…
Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen asks the government to activate a mandatory dispersal plan: “The question is not if, but when families will end up on the street”
Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen is asking the federal government to activate the mandatory dispersal plan for the reception of asylum seekers. To prevent hundreds of asylum seekers from having to sleep on…
Ondanks lerarentekort: nooit eerder zoveel leerkrachten in Vlaanderen | Onderwijs
Last year, 175,453 people were registered in the Vlaamse onderwijs. The valley was no longer there. To that end, he still has a large amount of information, so that he…
Vlaanderen want mensen zonder papers were van de huurmarkt | Inland
Vandaag is a verhuurder al obligated om zijn contract te registreren, with rijksregisternummer van de huurder. As this is not possible, the real state also has a birthdate and birthplace.…
Demir wants to slanke Belgian delegation op klimaattop in Dubai: “Vanuit Vlaanderen alleen technici” | Nieuws
Vlaams minister of Omgeving Zuhal Demir (N-VA) represents hair collegiate ministers in the other governments of the country from the Belgian delegation to the COP28 climate attop in Dubai to…
Bijna de help van buses and trams in Vlaanderen rijdt donderdag niet door vakbondsactie | Instagram VTM NEWS
Door a national actiedag van de vakbonden heeft De Lijn donderdag a beperktere dienstverlening. In the Netherlands there is a fee of 58 percent on all buses and trams, according…
LIVE SEPTEMBER VERKLARING. “In the Vlaanderen van Jan Jambon is het elk voor zich”: opposition saves criticism for Vlaamse regering niet
In the September declaration of Minister-President Jan Jambon (N-VA) afgelopen maandag is the vandaag in the parliament om the word te nemen. How hard is the opposition to the French…
That is 505 megawatts on an extra zone panel in Vlaanderen: operation is 9 percent of the storage volume
From January to July 2023, 505 megawatts will be registered in Vlaanderen on new zonnepaneleninstallations. That’s about three thousand seas from the 150 megawatts of the previous year. This is…