Bijna de help van buses and trams in Vlaanderen rijdt donderdag niet door vakbondsactie | Instagram VTM NEWS

Door a national actiedag van de vakbonden heeft De Lijn donderdag a beperktere dienstverlening. In the Netherlands there is a fee of 58 percent on all buses and trams, according to the Lijn.

The act is not subject to the open court, but it does not have to be the person in question. Van de kusttram zal 44 percent van de geplande roden rijden. In the city of Antwerp, the Lijn is monitored by the power of the horse, in Ghent it is 65 percent of the land.

In the province of Antwerp, the current rate is 53 percent for buses and trams. In Oost-Vlaanderen there are 2 percent of the water, in West-Vlaanderen 56 percent. In Vlaams-Brabant, De Lijn zes op de tien van hun ritten aan te biden. Stimulus in Limburg can be paid up to 61 percent of the ride.

In the app and via the website, reiziger’s nagaan welke roden precies have been acquired. Via the path there were accessible rides in the most recent situation.
