Demir wants to slanke Belgian delegation op klimaattop in Dubai: “Vanuit Vlaanderen alleen technici” | Nieuws

Vlaams minister of Omgeving Zuhal Demir (N-VA) represents hair collegiate ministers in the other governments of the country from the Belgian delegation to the COP28 climate attop in Dubai to a strict minimum te beperken. “A klimaatpoppenkast really depends on the current climate change,” says this week in a personal report.

“Yes, he is stronger in the meal. “I can do it again,” says Demir. At the moment, there were 7 ministers, 16 cabinet ministers, representatives and 150 other people in the Belgian delegation, the other Brussels minister Alain Maron (Ecolo) and the formula for the vervullen heeft. “As the political hair series wants to be housed in the cafeteria, you can put it in the pop box without meegaan in the ground on the core: realisaties on the ground.”

Volgens Demir zijn he op Belgian level goede afspraken gemaakt over the beurtrol voor de various ministers from ons land te vertegenwoordigen. Omdat Maron aan de beurt is, gaat ze dan also niet zelf naar de top in Dubai, die van 30 November to 12 December plaatsvindt in Dubai. “We stubbornly vanuit Vlaanderen slechts enkele technici om die ene minister te ondersteunen en te bewaken dat hij de afgesproken positions honored tijdens de onderhandelingen.”

Well, it’s ready to go to the top in the United Arab Emirates

Good climate recognition

Well, it’s ready to go to the top in the United Arab Emirates. De toestand van de mensenrecht in het land, de aanstelling van de Topman van Een Staatsoliebedrijf as voorzitter van de climate stop en de recent gelect internal computerate aan oliebedrijven: “He Zijn vele talken waarom milieubeherders, mensenrechtivists en bleidsmakers vraagtekens. Egg ze.

Demir needs the hair to be protected with climate control and makes a book. Also at the COP27-top in Sharm-el-Sheikh there was a Belgian delegation of 120 people last year, we can see now. A minister, on the other hand, through his technical staff, had an official role, “al de rest was there for the purpose of selfies and bilateral meetings”.
