Etiket: tussen
Russians luisterden secret conversations tussen German generals af, German bondskanselier belooft “minutieus onderzoek”
Russian propagandists have an opname publicized by a “talk about four high German officers”. Therein we discuss the possible levering of Taurus-cruisrakettes in Oekraïne. The opname is authentic, so it…
VOOR EN NA. Exactly a year ago everything was seen as a map house in the deserted aardbevingen, vandaag leven inwoners van rampgebied in Turkije en Syrië tussen de gaten
Exactly a year ago, the southeast of Turkiye and the north of Syrië were met with two heels. Bijna 60,000 people can eat and drink. Het puin is ondertussen grotendeels…
Nieuwe Grenscontroles tussen België en Verenigd Koninkrijk doorgevoerd | Inland
Four years after Brexit and after a long period of time, the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) is in force this week. The Britse Barones and Minister for Cabinet Lucy…
Samenwerking tussen Rusland en Iran wordt nauwer: “Naast drones gaat Moskou now ook Iraanse raketten kopen”
Russia has a plan for ballistic missile defense missiles from Iran. The American language is written in ‘The Wall Street Journal’. The stap is not very good for the Oekraïne…
Treinen rijden weer op four spurs tussen Antwerpen en Mechelen na brand in seinkeet: “Zo’n 50 mensen werken de klok rond” | Lint
The three girls from Antwerp and Mechelen are riding on four spurs. Infrabel kon de seinkeet in de Lint, op een van de belangrijkste spoorlijnen (Antwerp-Brussels) van het land, vervangen…
Treinverkeer verstoord tussen Mechelen en Antwerpen door brand in seinkeet | Inland
Are you ready for 23 o’clock on the weekend that the train ship is completely broken in Mechelen and Antwerp and has a box in the Duffel and Kontich, with…
Oorlog tussen Russia en de NAVO. What kind of military forces are there for real? | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
“We would like to have the idea that we would miss a defensive or log against Russia,” said Carsten Breuer, Inspector-General of the German Bundeswehr, at the beginning of December.…
Tsjetsjeense unfortunately Kadyrov: “Oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne zal folgende zomer eindigen” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
Kadyrov came to Russia in two minutes to watch the live stream. Volgens de 47-year-old Tsjetsjeen liep Moskou contracting op omdat de Russian President Vladimir Poetin het leger de opdracht…
LIVE ISRAËL. Mogelijke deal tussen Hamas en Israel: vrijlating van gijzelaars in ruil voor vijf dagen pause in battles
The illegal deal between Palestinian extremist organizations Hamas and Israel is over 87 years old. The Israeli television broadcaster ‘N12’ reported to ‘The Washington Post’ that both parties were in…
Menselijke schedel tussen Halloweenspullen van randadigheidswinkel in Florida | Bizarre
An anthropologist was born on a human scale in order to have access to Halloween costumes in a local area in Florida. As a result of the ownership of the…