Treinverkeer verstoord tussen Mechelen en Antwerpen door brand in seinkeet | Inland

Are you ready for 23 o’clock on the weekend that the train ship is completely broken in Mechelen and Antwerp and has a box in the Duffel and Kontich, with technical installations required for the train ship, completely unsuitable. In the middle of the night the trains can be seen on two of the four spurs. “The oorzaak van de brand is vermoedelijk a kabeldiefstal of a kwaadwillige daad,” says woordvoerder Frédéric Petit van Infrabel.

Ook maandagochtend zullen slechts two of the four spurs (spoorlijn 25) can be used. He had a customized driving service from the NMBS track service and was trained in all areas of the country.

The two other spurs (spoorlijn 27) are available for a longer period of time. Hoe lang zal mogelijk vandaag (maandag, red.0 duidelijk wer, aldus nog Infrabel.
