Etiket: tot
Wetenschappers vinden ijs op evenaar van Mars: “heremee kan jele planet bedekken with laag water tot 2.7 m diep” | Wetenschap & Planet
Even on Mars, he has water in the river. This is the European Ruimtevaartagentschap ESA vandaag bekend gemaakt. With the Mars Express ruimtesonde hebben ze bepaalde structures onderzocht op het…
Bevolkingsaantal Rusland kan tegen midden deze eeuw dalen tot ebene 19de eeuw | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
The population of Russia can be reached in the middle of the 19th century. This is reported by the Russian Statistical Bureau Rosstat. The army of Russia is at the…
The first winter season will bring snow tomorrow, says David Dehenauw: “Tot min 7 in Vlaanderen”
During the night, there is a snowfall when the wake is awake and there is a strong wind: these are the ingredients of the winter season in the wake of…
Dodental aardbeving Japan loopt op tot 92, nog 242 missen | Buitenland
The shooting area of Noto in the department of Ishikawa in the west of Japan was hit on the new day by a fire with a noise of 7.5, the…
Dodental na bevingen in Japan loopt op tot zes | Buitenland
The complete shame of the reeks bevingen, waaronder a met a noise of 7.6, is dinsdagochtend local tijd norg niet duidelijk. The image of the television ‘NHK’ is now built…
Ethiopië krijgt van Somaliland toegang tot Rode Zee | Buitenland
The two ondertekenden have a joint intent, which also includes the building of an Ethiopian military base on the coast of Somaliland. Other details are not disclosed. There are 130…
Van “de instorting van de EU” tot “overal hotpants”: the voorspellingen for 2023 zijn (niét) uitgekomen | Nieuws
How good was the glare from economists and trendwatchers? The team puts us on the last day of the year. Has 2023 become what we had previously hoped for? Of…
PROMOJAGERS SUPERTIP. Nu al volop korting op kerstartikelen: here krijg je tot -70 percent (!) | Promojagers
Kerstmis is voorbij and that betekent that kerstspullen in the uitverkoop gaan. Volgens Gunther Devisch van Promojagers Belgium It’s a great choice for Christmas decorations, lighting and decoration, and you…
“Graaiflatie” opnieuw verkozen tot word van het jaar | Inland
Graaiflatie is volgens Van Dale de inflation the wordt aangewakkerd door ondernemingen the de costing of grondstoffen, productiemiddelen en work fully of bovenmatig doorberekenen aan de consumer om hun winst…
‘The bottleneck? It is with the gentlemen from Even Tot Hier!’
Arjen Lubach would like to be on the air more often with his Evening Show, but he says the problem does not lie with him. “The men of Even Tot…