Ethiopië krijgt van Somaliland toegang tot Rode Zee | Buitenland

The two ondertekenden have a joint intent, which also includes the building of an Ethiopian military base on the coast of Somaliland. Other details are not disclosed.

There are 130 million inhabitants who represent Ethiopië, in economic terms, for a long time to come to the Rode Zee. The Zee is a important trade route that connects East Africa with the Midden-Oosten, Europe and Azië.

Recently, Abiy has announced that he will leave the country as a priority. The only route to the Rode Zee for Ethiopia is now to the haven of Djibouti, the course costs the Ethiopian state treasury a lot of money. Onderhandelingen with buurlanden Eritrea en Somalië leverden in het verleden niets op, en eindigden vaak met politieke spanningen.

Somaliland is located in the north of Somalia and is at sea in its own unique country.
