Etiket: slachtoffers
Advocaat van slachtoffers Roger Vangheluwe reacts to the first episode: “Paus leefts into other worlds”
Now you can see that Roger Vangheluwe has never written anything about it in a letter at the pause, it is the second episode in a delicious dossier. For the…
“Aantal slachtoffers mold infections bijna verdubbeld op 11 jaar tijd”: Britse expert waarschuwt voor opmars van molds | Gezondheid
Een new study There is a risk of mold infection in the area every year. This is still the case: over 2 million years in 2012, it is now only…
Twee doden bij frontale botsing in Lievegem: one of the slachtoffers is daughter (21) of brandweerman the op away was after ongeval
Op de Hendrik Consciencelaan (N9) in the Oost-Vlaamse Waarschoot (Lievegem) around 18 o’clock two people from the light came to the frontal botsing two cars. One of the slachtoffers is…
Four dodelijke slachtoffers before the crash of a sports plane in Oostenrijk | Buitenland
The Cirrus SR20-engined aircraft crashed suddenly in a Bosrijk area in the Sankt Andrä building, less than two of them on the road in Zagreb. The four people in the…
Russians think of slachtoffers Stalin, ondanks onderdrukking | Buitenland
The voorlezing of names of mensen the tijdens de terreur tussen 1936 and 1938 are geëxecuteerd, wordt elk jaar georganiseerd door de ngo Memorial. The Russian just beval de ontbinding…
Energiecrisis blijft slachtoffers maken: opleg van 10,000 euros for jaarafrekening Luminus, with ‘dank’ aan vast contract | Energy prices
Elke maand braaf the vaste voorschotbedrag voor energy betalen, and within the jaarafrekening tóch 10,000 euros must be used. Het overkwam tientallen Luminus clans. The leverancier has been working for…
Sea in 2,000 slachtoffers seksueel misbruik vroegen vergoeding van Franse Kerk | Buitenland
The CRR insults the slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik in de congregations. Op 1 October hadden 782 canteens contact opgenomen with the commission, 178 dit year and 604 previous year. After…
WAIVER. Twee van de three dodelijke slachtoffers were buren van 32-year-old suspicions: everything we bet about the schietincidenten in Rotterdam | Dodelijke schietincidenten Rotterdam
UpdateRotterdam is threatened by incidents. There are three children in the family: a 39-year-old woman, a 14-year-old daughter and a 43-year-old family and a practical teacher. The suspect, a 32-year-old…
Hoe Van Rossem zelfs vanuit zijn graf nog slachtoffers maakt: Francis (69) nog elke dag werken in de perenpluk uit noodzaak | Inland
Jean-Pierre Van Rossem died two years later, with a lot of casualties and the consequences of his fraudulent practices. An ex-director has proof of money in his possession, and everything…
Prime Minister De Croo ontvangt tomorrow slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik in de kerk | Inland
KIJK LIVE. Is Roger Vangheluwe straks adelijk not long a bit? VTM NIEUWS is in the Franse dorp waar hij nu woont: bekijk het hieronder. Tomorrow, Premier De Croo and…