Russians think of slachtoffers Stalin, ondanks onderdrukking | Buitenland

The voorlezing of names of mensen the tijdens de terreur tussen 1936 and 1938 are geëxecuteerd, wordt elk jaar georganiseerd door de ngo Memorial. The Russian just beval de ontbinding van the niet-governementele organisatie enkele weken voor de aanval op Oekraïne op 24 februari 2022.

In Moscow there is a monument to the battles of the Soviet repressive force, the defeat of Loebjanka, the declaration of the policy of Stalin, the Soviet-Russian secret service KGB and the vandaag of the Russian secret service FSB.

Memorial was due to the fact that the authority of the Bijeenkomst bij de Loebjanka had been verboden. Zondag was the monument with draghekken afgezet en was de politie he talrijk aanwezig. Memorial, which was op-gerichted in 1989, documents the misdeeds of the Soviet Union and has not been taken into account for human rights and for politics in Russia.
