Etiket: ruzie
Coup de theater in Antwerp Open Vld, schepen Erica Caluwaerts stapt op en wil verder met nieuwe liberale movement: “Hoe smaller de partij, hoe meer ruzie”
The bestowal of the Open Vld City of Antwerp is intended for the transport of goods and services. Maar now voor de vergadering begon, gooide Erica Caluwaerts, the few liberal…
American politics onderschept 10-year-old bestuurder op snelweg: boy was blown away na ruzie met mother | Buitenland
The policy is based on the cars in the middle of the night in the city of Alachua, above three kilometers from the children’s homes, in the city of North…
Dubbele moord in Mercedes factory zou te maken hebben met ruzie over Erdogan
A dubbele moord in a German Mercedes factory near Stuttgart is well known to be the result of a dispute between the two of you and those of Erdogan. This…
the broken of the liberal family Ruzie vliegen tot bij de federale coalitie
How high is the state with the relations between us Open Vld and MR? “The liberal family has a long history with the van de Atriden”, said ord-Senaatsvoorzitter Christine Defraigne…
Open Vld and MR Laten team building not doorgaan door te veel ruzie | landlocked
Het etentje zou doorgaan in La Maison du Luxembourg, a restaurant in Brussels. When talking about the cancellation, it will be considered that Rode Duivels has a WK match that…
Britney Spears voelt zich broken well ruzie met geliefde: “Ik heb nog nooit zo hard gehuild” | Celebrities
“I’ve been wanting to wake up to a stevige ruzie with someone who’s graag zie,” clicks het onder meer op het Instagram account van de zangeres. “Heeft me really broken…
Oekraïne. 11 doden na schietpartij tijdens militaire training in Russian Belgorod, ‘ruzie went over religie’
Op all articles, photos and videos op rust auteursrecht. Deep linking can, however, be done to that of our content in a new frame on the website. Graag grandson…
One comes from in woningbrand, vrouw verhoord: “Ze maakten constant ruzie” | yours
Bachte-Maria-LeerneThe Parket van Oost-Vlaanderen is a separate project started after a brand in a building that is open in the Bachtekouter in Deinze. Daarbij kwam een man om het leven.…
Serdal neerschoten na ruzie over spelletje poker: “I thought even that I was thinking something. For what? For a discussion about a spelling card” | hasselt
Het was an onnozele discussie over de spelregels, tijdens pokeravond in Kuringen was de inzet ampereen few euro cents needed. Toch was a 66-year-old speler zó boos, dat that thuis…