Etiket: NIEUWS
European Commission wants 90 percent less CO2 by 2040, Demir critical: “Opbod must stop!” | Nieuws
updateThe European Commissie wants to open the broeikasgassen in 2040 with a reduction of 90 percent. The government needs politics, pressure and energy first in conversation, on the EU climate…
“Everyone is Michel gewoon beu”: European diplomats critical of Charles Michel | Nieuws
You can stop before you come to Europe and let me do it in the parliamentary elections by Charles Michel criticizing you. Bij ‘Politico’, a website specialized in new countries…
Dronken Nederlander (38) rich in 30,000 euros in Waals ziekenhuis | Nieuws
The weekend of the day is at 7.30 p.m. in the Saint-Nicolas house in Eupen. A 38-year-old patient who was opgenomen op de quickly began to lose medical equipment. It’s…
Electrical engineer and Vlaamse neurosurgeon think about the loss of tinnitus from the hebben | Nieuws
It also causes the symptoms: tinnitus, of which there is a snerp beep in every ear. It’s all getting darker, what does it sound like? Professor Wouter Serdijn (TU Delft)…
Apple quickly sells fewer iPhones in China | Nieuws
Apple sells the iPhone in China very quickly. Ok for this year there is another version of the smartphone available in the relevant Chinese market. This is reported by analysts…
Japan is the world’s largest living country. Hoe is that coming? | Nieuws
Japan was also threatened with a possible tsunami in the country, which hit the country on a new day. Al is aardbeving in Japan for a long time. He is…
Van “de instorting van de EU” tot “overal hotpants”: the voorspellingen for 2023 zijn (niét) uitgekomen | Nieuws
How good was the glare from economists and trendwatchers? The team puts us on the last day of the year. Has 2023 become what we had previously hoped for? Of…
Bereken je levensverwachting with AI: Tool voorspelt tot 80 percent nauwkeurig wanneer je sterft | Nieuws
The thinking machine reports the data from the cafeterias in different ‘clusters’ in the places. The clusters have been paalded on the basis of gegevens van mijoenen mensen. Door mensen…
The Canal Tunnel is open: the Eurostar train is open to the public | Nieuws
The staking at the Kanaaltunnel is open. Het spoorverkeer tussen the Verenigd Koninkrijk en het Europese vasteland kan derdagavond hervatten. Eurostar reports that the train transport is in the same…
Jager was not able to say anything about it ever since | Nieuws
The opmerkelijk jachtongeval fromd weekend plaats in the Alberamassef, a piece of the Pyrenees, op de grens van Spanish Catalonië en de Franse Roussillon. A 45-year-old hunter was with a…