“Everyone is Michel gewoon beu”: European diplomats critical of Charles Michel | Nieuws

You can stop before you come to Europe and let me do it in the parliamentary elections by Charles Michel criticizing you. Bij ‘Politico’, a website specialized in new countries across the European Union, said diplomats and functionaries in Hungary: “Hij heeft politieke harakiri gepleegd.”

KIJK. Charles Michel treks through the European neighborhoods

A half-year for his mandate as European President, Charles Michel was in charge of Europe and was elected to MR. The given name of the Europarlementsverkiezingen will not be taken into account in thanks. He lopen de afgelopen weken the namelijk cruciale onderhandelingen over steun voor Oekraïne. The discussions with the state government and regulators of the EU may suffer in good conditions.

There was a debate in the Parliament because of acute problems, so that the trekking as a lijsttrekker and aan te blijven as Europe’s president should be resolved. He was actually helping to drown out ‘Politico’ with some critical reactions to it.

“Oké, I asked for the champagne to be put in the bottle as soon as possible,” the EU officials replied to the new Michel who was sent to the Raad. “Everyone is Michel gewoon beu,” read a landgenoot anoniem optekenen.

Zijn function as Raadsvoorzitter wordt also in twijfel dried. “Het enige dat hij now nog moet doen, is ervoor zorgen dat de vergadering op tijd start en dat iedereen en pen heeft die werk,” sneert a diplomaat.

A different diplomat: “Hij straalt now a little trustworthy uit als voorzitter van de Europeanse Raad. We are in the process of getting the Dutch premier, Mark Rutte, to take part in suffering.”

Zelfs bijn liberale partijgenoten van Renew zijn ze geen fan van de Waals-Brabander: “Wanneer hijn three opties heeft, kiest hij altijd de slechtste.”

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