Etiket: Luminus
Energiecrisis blijft slachtoffers maken: opleg van 10,000 euros for jaarafrekening Luminus, with ‘dank’ aan vast contract | Energy prices
Elke maand braaf the vaste voorschotbedrag voor energy betalen, and within the jaarafrekening tóch 10,000 euros must be used. Het overkwam tientallen Luminus clans. The leverancier has been working for…
Former Luminus salesperson explains how he misled customers: “I scrolled down quickly so they didn’t see crucial info” | Consumer
VTM NIEUWS has received about 300 reports about the aggressive sales techniques used by Luminus. One of those reactions came from a salesman who sold people such contracts in Mediamarkt…
Luminus sells unwanted expensive energy contracts to customers: “I will never trust anyone on the phone again” | Inland
The federal energy ombudsman service has already received almost 200 complaints from consumers who are unintentionally switched to energy supplier Luminus. This is apparent from a report by VTM Nieuws.…
Luminus shakes klanten ongewenst over naar duur energiecontract: ‘Ik vertrouw nooit meer iemand aan de telefoon’
Nog tijdens het geprek met de callcentermedewerkster krijgt Lindy Adriaenssens e-mails toegesturd with daarin offers for a new energy contract. The verkoopster verzekert de vrouw dat het gaat om offers,…