Former Luminus salesperson explains how he misled customers: “I scrolled down quickly so they didn’t see crucial info” | Consumer

VTM NIEUWS has received about 300 reports about the aggressive sales techniques used by Luminus. One of those reactions came from a salesman who sold people such contracts in Mediamarkt branches. Arne Devriese tells in front of the camera how to mislead customers.

He always started by showing the cheapest Luminus rate. “After that I asked the person in question which energy supplier he was with. I then showed the most expensive subscription, which makes it seem as if there is a lot of difference between them. But really, you’re just comparing apples to oranges.”

The rate that customers signed up for ended up being much higher than that first, low proposal. But that had to be hidden. “Actually, I just scrolled down quickly and asked for an autograph. This way, customers cannot see crucial information.”

Test Purchase

In 2019, Test Aankoop already raised similar abuses. Luminus itself indicates that it is now being checked.

“For Mediamarkt, we carry out these checks through an external and independent agency that does mystery shopping,” says marketing director Marleen Nijsten. “If we notice that the code of conduct is not being followed or if we receive through another channel that there may be abuse, then that cooperation will be terminated immediately.” Mediamarkt will investigate the matter and ask Luminus for an explanation.


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