Etiket: lichterlaaie
Torenflat in Valencia in lichterlaaie: “Veertien won, waaronder zes brandweermannen”
A big fire in the Spanish city of Valencia caused a flood of huge damage. The help services are available in a flat on the fourth floor and spread out…
Torenflat in Valencia in lichterlaaie: “Dertien won, waaronder zes brandweermannen”
A big fire in the Spanish city of Valencia caused a flood of huge damage. The help services are available in a flat on the fourth floor and spread out…
Hevige brand zet scholengemeenschap Mosa-RT in Maaseik in lichterlaaie
In a building of the Catholic Church School Mosa-RT in Maaseik, a major brand was broken. More brandweerkorpsen, on the sea from Maastricht, zijn ter places come from het vuur…
Skins brand zet Chinese fabriek in lichterlaaie: at least 36 doden | Buitenland
When there was a fire in a factory in the Chinese city of Anyang, in the province of Henan, there was at least 36 men in the past. This is…
BEKIJK. Beelden ton hoe cloud crab in Dubai in lichterlaaie state
In Dubai, a city in the United Arab Emirates, there is a cloud cover that is a pity due to the open van of a fire. Het building, a woontoren…
Enormous fire in Chinees telecombedrijf: beelden tons of cloud crabs in lichterlaaie
In Changsa, an enormous brand has broken out in the office of the Chinese ‘Telecom’. Video beelden ton hoe tientallen verdiepingen van het sea then 200 meters high building in…
Woningen in Californië in lichterlaaie by natuurbrand, dozens of people geëvacueerd | Buitenland
Tot nu toe zijn Zeker tien buildings in vlammen opgegaan en nog eens vijf buildings zijn damaged geraakt. Over a distance of elapsing kilometers along the ‘Highway 49’, people lose…