Skins brand zet Chinese fabriek in lichterlaaie: at least 36 doden | Buitenland

When there was a fire in a factory in the Chinese city of Anyang, in the province of Henan, there was at least 36 men in the past. This is reported by the state agency CCTV Vandaag. Twee people were still missing and he was also brought to two slaughterhouses with lighter marriages to the Ziekenhuis.


22 nov 2022

Latest update:


The brand breaks in the loop of Maandag in a district with many technical areas and around 23 hours in advance of the local area. He will be performed more than 200 reddingswerkers and 60 brandweerlieden. It is not known what the factory is doing. Also over the origin of the brand is not yet known. Volgens de local authorities heeft de openbare veiligheidsdienst wel suspected in beeld.

Industrial orders regularly come from China because public regulations have been poorly implemented. In May 2019, when an explosion occurred in a chemical factory, 78 people were living and there were rooms in the building.

The ramp up also started on an immediate fire in October 2007. There were at least 37 people around a fire in an illegal fine factory in Hushi, in the Chinese province of Fujian. De politie arresteerde later de Eigenaar van de fabriek.

KIJK. The brandweer heeft the biggest moeite om the brand onder controle te krijgen. He come zelfs graafmachines aan te pas om een ​​scheidingsmuur te vernielen

