Etiket: juice
This is the simple juice with a Botox effect to take care of your skin
En los últimos meses, las rutinas de skin care se han convertido en la última moda en lo que a cuidados faciales se refiere. Limpieza, cuidado e hidratación de nuestra…
Jochem Myjer responds to Yvonne’s intense juice: ‘I’m very good’
Jochem Myjer reacts to the intense juice that Yvonne Coldeweijer has spread on him. He doesn’t deny it outright, but he does say: “You shouldn’t believe everything you read.” ©…
Bridget Maasland throws up on juice about Flemming: ‘Always such a shame’
Bridget Maasland finds it terribly silly that the juice channel Juice Channel spreads such intense gossip about hit singer Flemming. “Oh, what a pity,” the presenter sighs. © RTL Singer…
Ruud de Wild reacts very angrily to juice Yvonne: ‘He is acting wild’
Ruud de Wild reacts quite pissed off to Yvonne Coldeweijer’s joke that his flirt with Fajah Lourens has turned into something more serious. “He really went wild.” © YouTube, Darren…
“It is not the same to drink a whole orange as a juice, no matter how homemade it is”
A recent scientific study revealed that take daily juices natural fruit (squeezed or shaken) get fat. According to the report, daily intake of these foods causes a significant increase in…
Jochem Myjer also pushed in front of a juice bus: ‘Shameless behaviour’
Jochem Myjer is one of the most likeable comedians in the country, but according to Yvonne Coldeweijer he is also a big eater. “His behavior is really shocking,” says the…
A sweet and sour berry that is not an apple: the pomegranate is completely hip and the juice is extremely healthy
What do Granada, hand grenade and grenadine have in common? A red fruit with a hard skin and deliciously tart seeds. The pomegranate is completely hip, the juice is extremely…
‘NPO boss Frederieke Leeflang will be fired if juice Yvonne is right’
Frederieke Leeflang, the chief boss of the NPO, is fired when Yvonne Coldeweijer’s juice about new misconduct at the top is true. Tina Nijkamp expects that. © NPO, YouTube While…
Money Boy launches “Simply Orange Juice” with Kaufland
With Julien Bam and Knossi, the rapper is now turning his long-standing meme into a real drink. Kaufland has once again pulled out a new marketing ace and teamed up…
Glass of lemon juice on the radiator, the solution that most people do in winter
Los radiadores son, sin duda, los elementos más comunes en nuestros hogares. Son objetos muy duraderos, ya que están hechos de hierro fundido, pero no son inmunes al óxido y la suciedad.…