Etiket: Jammer
VRT-baas snoeit in 19 grootverdieners: “Ik vind het jammer dat veel aandacht naar hen gaat” | tv
Het a number of major earnings at the VRT date from 19 to 15, and he comes more vrouwen in that exclusive gezelschap. This is what VRT CEO Frederik Delaplace…
Danny Buijs is counting on greetings and congratulations from his successor at FC Groningen-Heracles and temporarily removes the jammer from the group
They hardly know each other, purely as fellow trainers from different clubs, but the circumstances mean that there is a special connection between Danny Buijs and Frank Wormuth. The first…
‘Jammer dat de stad blijft inzetten op auto’s in het centrum’
How come het dat het aantal fietsers die verwondingen oplopen, bljft toenemen? Wies Callens: “Now more people are fietsen, he is a bigger cans op verkeersongevallen. That is a logical…