Tag: fossilfree
There will be more actions for fossil-free EUR
An action group calling itself Occupy EUR is announcing follow-up actions after an occupation of the Sanders building on the campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) was ended by the…
Now that the largest pension fund is ‘fossil-free’, activists are targeting number two
With a capital of almost 278 billion euros, the Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW) is a gigantic investor. Activists want the fund to commit to the climate by withdrawing all…
NOW+ CLIMATE Now that the largest pension fund is ‘fossil-free’, activists focus on number two
With a capital of almost 278 billion euros, the Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW) is a gigantic investor. Activists want the fund to commit to the climate by withdrawing all…