Etiket: emptiness
The feeling of emptiness drove Pilvi Hämäläinen to become a comedian – “I have begged others for love and acceptance”
Actress Pilvi Hämäläinen tells Anna magazine that the changes brought about by the therapy seemed scary at first. Actress Pilvi Hämäläinen, 38, says in an interview with Anna magazine that…
SOS EMPTY. Ben Weyts gets a random score in our enquête. Hij gaat in discussie met 5 leerkrachten: “Soms organiseren scollen zelf hun lerarentekort” | SOS emptiness
Flemish minister van Onderwijs Ben Weyts (N-VA) gets a rampal score in one exclusive request by 1,500 blanks. Met the rapport onder the arm leggen vijf leerkrachten de minister het…
Russian emptiness ontslagen and beboet na anti-oorlogsuitspraken voor klas: “Oekraïne is geen deel van Rusland, maar een afzonderlijk land”
A Russian emptiness is ontslagen and beboet nadat ze in Haar klas een opmerking had made the gene de oorlog in Oekraïne. De vrouw, Marina Dubrova, had an anti-oorlogsvideo aan…
Robin Ramaekers a few kilometers from the trenches of pro-Russian militias: “The emptiness is particularly striking here” | Abroad
Tensions in Ukraine continue to rise, a military conflict with Russia is imminent. Robin Ramaekers tries to get as close as possible to the border with Russia. He takes the…
Daniel Zaccaro, from delinquent to educator: “Children’s anger comes from emptiness”
“C‘is an abysmal distance between the world of adults and children. And, often, it is precisely in this emptiness that the anger manifested with violence originates. To prevent this from…