The feeling of emptiness drove Pilvi Hämäläinen to become a comedian – “I have begged others for love and acceptance”

Actress Pilvi Hämäläinen tells Anna magazine that the changes brought about by the therapy seemed scary at first.

Actress Pilvi Hämäläinen, 38, says in an interview with Anna magazine that she started therapy three years ago with the anxiety and depression diagnoses she received.

Hämäläinen believes that because of the emptiness he experienced, he has driven to amuse other people.

– When I started therapy, I was afraid of change. I was afraid that if I wasn’t so anxious and sad anymore, would I be able to be funny and interesting. Dumbest idea in the world. When it’s in such a way that the better you feel, the better chance you have to do anything, the actress tells Anna.

In recent years, Hämäläinen has challenged his own world of thought.

– Only as an adult have I realized that we all have misogyny. I work on it in myself all the time. I learn and study. I keep having to admit that I have stupid thoughts.

Hämäläinen has achieved many of his dreams. The first book of the actor Cinderella published last year. Hämäläinen tells Anna that after the writing project, the direction of life was lost. For example, the actress has “never had a vision” of whether she wants children.

Hämäläinen used to feel a lot of loneliness. Right now he doesn’t “crave anything”, and he’s at least happy from time to time.

– I have begged others for love and acceptance. That’s probably why I’ve started making people laugh. I have thus tried to find fulfillment in the feeling of emptiness.

Actor Pilvi Hämäläinen reflects that he has lived too much for his work in the past. Mikko Huisko

Source: Give it
