Etiket: doden
Ruim 100 doden en wonde door aardbeving China
The 111 dining halls were opened in the north east of China and 200 dining halls were opened, reports Chinese state media. The traffic, due to the American seismological service,…
At least 6 doden en 23 won door tornado in VS | Buitenland
In Clarksville there were three cafeterias in which there was a tornado that struck the city door. One of the dodelijke slachtoffers is a child. 23 canteens will be served…
Suspicions of doden toerist in Paris aanglaagd voor terrorisme | Buitenland
Accuser Jean-François Ricard showed the man who was afkomst from Iran, in a video on social media trouw had fought against the Islamic State (IS). Na zijn arrestatie vertelde hij…
Fringes poison zichzelf with insecticide in poging om bedwantsen te doden: “Bij inademing kun je zelfs sterven” | Buitenland
The Agentschap has the product ‘Sniper 1000 EC DDVP’ ontdekt. It is an illegal insecticide that was released in 2013. In January 2018 and June there were 206 cafeterias in…
Twee doden bij frontale botsing in Lievegem: one of the slachtoffers is daughter (21) of brandweerman the op away was after ongeval
Op de Hendrik Consciencelaan (N9) in the Oost-Vlaamse Waarschoot (Lievegem) around 18 o’clock two people from the light came to the frontal botsing two cars. One of the slachtoffers is…
Zeker 23 doden at busongeval in Peru | Buitenland
The ongeluk vond plaats in the district Cusca, in the province of Corongo. In one of the other battles it was spoken over “twinty doden en zes wonden”, the three…
Tientallen doden gemelded na aanval op dorp in Burkina Faso | Buitenland
Zeker zeventig burgers came from the restaurant in a village in the north of Burkina Faso. This reports to an accuser who shows the most of the victims and children.…
Vijf doden bij ongeval met Amerikaans military aircraft boven Middellandse Zee | Buitenland
Het ongeval geurde tijdens a routinemissie om the het flight to the refueling tijdens de vlucht. It is never known that the toaster is a wonderful cake. The offensive of…
Zeven doden na stormen in São Paulo | Buitenland
Door hevige regens vrijdag were overcurrent in São Paulo. In various places in the region there is a lot of electricity in the region along with numerous security measures, both…
LIVE ISRAËL. Tiental doden en meer dan 50 won at luchtaanval at VN school in Gaza
The UN Agency for Palestine Flights (UNRWA) ensures that the children in the Gaza Strip are very clear. The Israëlische leger confirmed that the doelwit van de luchtaanval at the…