Etiket: dan
Loketten in sea dan many stations less vaak open vanaf maart | Inland
The loquettes in 54 Belgian stations can be found on 1 maart lesser vaak open zijn, bijvoorbeeld niet meer in the weekend of every day ‘s other days of the…
98 days ago given to Hamas: for Liri, Karina, Daniela and Agam is oplossing verder weg dan ooit
The doodsangst is only to be read in many drawings. Bijna honderd dagen was deze jongedames nu al gegijzeld door Hamas. Liri Albag (18), Karina Ariev (19), Daniela Gilboa (19)…
Na vals report eerder vandaag: Amerikaanse toezichthouder dan toch akkoord met bitcoinfondsen
The current alarm is now available: the American SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is acknowledging the value of the bitcoin funds, and the bitcoin ETFs are also available. The stap…
Crevits invests 1.6 million euros in preventing mental problems in young people: “Beter te vroeg, dan te laat”
Vlaamsminister van Welzijn Hilde Crevits (CD&V) received 1.6 million euros extra for the Connect program to help mental problems in children and young people. Also the Center for Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg…
Babbico appoints Dan Le Vesconte as CEO
The British baby outfitter Babbico is getting a new CEO. On Wednesday, the online retailer announced that Dan Le Vesconte would take over as CEO on January 1st and would…
KIJK. Tori cite uren in the car om vriendje te verrassen, maar betrapt hem dan met other vrouw | Bizarre
The American Tori and her hair were won by the grandchildren of Elkaar. Tijdens het videobellen vertellen ze hoe hard ze elkaar missen. The best thing about Tori is that…
Steekincident in Dublin: meer dan honderd betogers bekogelen politie met vuurwerk en fakkels, 5-year-old girl is still in criticism
In the southern city of Dublin there were a number of protests that took place in the streets and three young children and a woman were raised. Here the demonstrators…
Minder dan derde van Belgen used nog desktop, also used tablets afgenomen | Internet
Bijna negen op de belgen bebruiken tegenwoordig a smartphone om online te gaan, in 2016 it was just two times op de three. The smartphone is displacing the army for…
‘Eilandbewoner’ Geert (56) dan toch geëvacueerd: “Water kwam door tegels op de grond” | Water overload in the Westhoek
Geert de Bruijne (56) from Lo-Reninge he has a moving night opzitten. Seeds with a zoo in four houses will be kept in the night of the next day and…
COLUMN. Nobody can still see the Fien Germijns. Figuurlijk dan, want letterlijk lukt dat steeds makkelijker | Jan Segers
Columnist Jan Seger’s state in dubio na de splendid passage of Fien Germijns in ‘De slimste mens’. “Fien is quick. Fien is slim. Fiens is games. Everything is in the…