Etiket: CO2
Subsidy scheme for sustainable energy and reducing CO2 emissions open from September | News item
News item | 01-03-2024 | 16:18 From September 10, 2024, the Sustainable Energy Production and Climate Transition Incentive Scheme (SDE++) will be opened again. The SDE++ is the most important…
No more grams of CO2 from the chimney: Holland Malt is the first company in Eemshaven to be completely emission-free. ‘With the help of wind turbines from Dutch soil’
After concluding a contract for the supply of wind energy, the Holland Malt factory will soon become the first in Eemshaven to be completely emission-free. This takes nine years of…
Seed breeder Syngenta is allocating millions for a greenhouse with new CO2 technology
Seed breeder Syngenta has opened the Jan Schagenkas in Enkhuizen. The greenhouse uses CO2 technology to pollinate vegetables and is named after the man who was behind the design. He…
EU states for stricter CO2 rules for trucks and buses
After much back and forth, a majority of EU states have agreed on stricter CO2 standards for trucks and buses. The European Parliament still has to approve the project. A…
European Commission wants 90 percent less CO2 by 2040, Demir critical: “Opbod must stop!” | Nieuws
updateThe European Commissie wants to open the broeikasgassen in 2040 with a reduction of 90 percent. The government needs politics, pressure and energy first in conversation, on the EU climate…
They announce that CO2 emissions on Earth could begin to decrease this year
Después de muchas décadas de aumentos ininterrumpidos en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, los científicos no descartan que 2024 pueda ser el primer año en que, finalmente, la…
They announce that CO2 emissions on Earth could begin to decrease this year
Después de muchas décadas de aumentos ininterrumpidos en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, los científicos no descartan que 2024 pueda ser el primer año en que, finalmente, la…
Many companies know their own CO2 footprint
Many companies in Germany keep an eye on their greenhouse gas footprint. This emerges from a study on the topic of sustainability that the Bertelsmann Foundation published on Thursday in…
CO2 emissions from new cars are well 14 percent higher than car makers say
The difference between car makers’ estimates of CO2 emissions from new cars and actual emissions has widened further in 2022. This is evident from a study by the German environmental…
RTL must reduce CO2 emissions from B&B Vol Liefde to achieve goals
RTL must drastically reduce the CO2 emissions of the B&B Vol Liefde program to achieve the goals of the RTL Samen Groener agreement from 2022, says Privé star Jan Uriot.…