RTL must reduce CO2 emissions from B&B Vol Liefde to achieve goals

RTL must drastically reduce the CO2 emissions of the B&B Vol Liefde program to achieve the goals of the RTL Samen Groener agreement from 2022, says Privé star Jan Uriot.


As a media company, RTL says it has been working for years to ‘actively increase’ awareness of sustainability within the organization. A ‘sustainability ambassador’ has even been appointed. Who is that? Don’t stumble: Giovanni Piccirilli. One of the goals? Reducing CO2 emissions from programs.

Platinum cards

RTL aims to be climate neutral by 2030, but in the meantime, the country’s largest CO2 guzzler Nikkie Plessen still stands behind the desk of RTL Boulevard several times a week. The attention she generates for her fashion brand contributes to her spending time on a private jet every weekend. Of bestie Sven Sauve, the RTL boss, opposite her.

And what about all those programs for which the stars travel? Tina Nijkamp gave RTL a big wake-up call this week Telegraph column. “RTL must stop hypocritical climate fanatics,” read the headline. “RTL 4 has been receiving Schiphol’s platinum cards for a long time.”

Have fun flying

No TV station books as many airline tickets as RTL, says Tina. “This year RTL is bursting with programs for which many aircraft have to be booked. RTL has ordered a record number of ‘reality adventure’ shows and they are never set in the Netherlands.”

She continues: “Planes full of employees and candidates will travel to distant islands, remote deserts and dark jungles. Very understandable. But RTL should stop making hypocritical press releases and even appointing a special ‘sustainability manager’.”

B&B Full of Love

Pim Sedee highlights RTL’s passion for travel in the online video section What does Jan think?. “They really fly in all directions for those RTL programs.”

Private star journalist and climate expert Jan Uriot points out that the CO2 emissions of B&B Vol Liefde must be reduced in order to achieve the goals. “How about B&B Vol Liefde and Winter Vol Liefde? That is twelve candidates and twelve camera crews are also going that way, of course, abroad.”

Big problem

Jan himself has no problem with all those traveling TV types. “That’s fine – it doesn’t really matter to me – but then as management you shouldn’t want to radiate that you are sustainable.”

A lot of criticism of RTL, but let’s not be too cynical about it. Major steps are currently being taken in the field of recycling: last week the station brought “Does it or doesn’t it” back on the air. One green star for Peter van der Vorst then…
