Etiket: Busje
Canadees krijgt levenslang omdat hij met busje op slipijk muslimfamilie doodreed | Buitenland
A Canadees has a levenslange celstraf geregen omdat hij in 2021 with a busje op slipijk ingereden was op a muslim family. Daarbij many four doden. The law bank on…
Verdwijning Maddie McCann: “Politie test Bodenstalen om link with busje van hoofdvermachte na te gaan” | Buitenland
The policy of the verdwijning van Maddie McCann onderzoekt zou Bodenstalen hebben genomen tijdens de driedaagse zoekactie rond het Portugese Arade-Stuwmeer. This is written in the Britse tabloid ‘The Daily…
The format of ‘Busje Comes Zo’ is delightfully simple
Alex MazereeuwJune 16, 202213:08 If we are to believe the experts, these are tough TV times for Paul de Leeuw. In recent weeks, Internet authority Mediacourant has featured headlines such…
Paul de Leeuw sinks even further with Busje Comes Zo: drama figures
Paul de Leeuw’s TV career is in dire straits. People are zapping en masse for his program Busje Comes Zo and that must feel like a huge defeat. Yesterday he…