Canadees krijgt levenslang omdat hij met busje op slipijk muslimfamilie doodreed | Buitenland

A Canadees has a levenslange celstraf geregen omdat hij in 2021 with a busje op slipijk ingereden was op a muslim family. Daarbij many four doden. The law bank on the other side of the river has a terreur on the four-foot moor.

The 23-year-old Nathaniel Veltman reed on June 6, 2021 with his best car in a Muslim family in the city of Toronto. Salman Afzaal (46), his wife Madiha, her daughter Yumna (15) and the 74-year-old mother of Salman knew her life. The negenjarige zoon rake zwaargewond, maar overleefde de aanrijding.

“Het gaat om een ​​terreurdaad,” said right-wing Renee Pomerance. Veltman received a long-term sentence, and the law was valid for 25 years.

“Hallucinogens paddenstoelen”

The father had a guilty plea at the trial in September. Zijn advocaat weerlegde that the feet are carefully looked after. Volgens de verdediging kampte de man met mental problems and had been given evidence of hallucinogenic paddenstoelen.

Openbaar aanklager Sarah Shaikh. © AP

The procureur legde uit dat Veltman, the aanhanger is van theorieën van bare supremacy, enkele Moslims wilde doden om angst te zaaien within de Moslimgemeenschap in Canada. Hij remember at that time that Veltman had a terrorist manifesto that had been written on his computer. Therein bepleitte hij blank nationalisme en uitte hij zijn haat tegenover Muslims.

The moorden zijn de opeen na dodelijkste aanval tegen Muslims in Canada. In 2017, many people took part in a shooting party at the Mosque in Quebec. The father of the shooting party will never be accused of terrorism.
