Etiket: Brusselse
Hoofdinspecteur Brusselse federale politie the Qatargate onderzoekt mogelijk poisonigd | Inland
In the previous month, the inspector was sent to the hospital, with two colleagues, and was brought to a Brussels café. The third one is in a drunken position before…
Waanzinnige toestanden in Brusselse wijk Peterbos: “Gemaskerde drugdealers zetten wegblockades en vragen gsm-controle aan bezoekers”
The drug trade in the Peterboswijk in Anderlecht is scaled up by the security agents of G4S who never come to sea. Masked dealers have access to the channels and…
Miljoenen euro’s lekken weg uit Brusselse riolering: “Risico on zincgaten dagelijks groter” | Inland
The Brussels Water Bedrijf Vivaqua, the head of drinking water is preferred and the river is protected, and there is a mountain of debt. “Riolen onderhouden lukt still amper. Elke…
1 year after 2 possible rapes and the complaint against the ‘Brusselse Reuzegom’, students have still not been heard: “This should not be allowed, this is not normal” | Domestic
A year ago they were called the ‘Brusselse Reuzegom’ and were suspected of two possible rapes. But since then it has remained bizarrely quiet: the students of the Solvay student…
1 year after 2 possible rapes and the complaint against the ‘Brusselse Reuzegom’: students still not interrogated in the Solvay case
A year ago they were called the ‘Brusselse Reuzegom’ and were suspected of two possible rapes. But since then it has remained bizarrely quiet: the students of the Solvay student…
KIJK. This tourist is Klimt op pas gerenoveerd beeld aan Brusselse beurs en breekt hand af | Brussels
In the night, you will be able to see the younger man, who will be in a drunken mood, and will be in the state of the Beursgebouw. Hierbij brokkelde…
KIJK. This tourist is Klimt op pas gerenoveerd beeld aan Brusselse beurs en breekt hand af
A picture at the Beurs in Brussels was damaged during the night on Monday. Guilty was a here toerist die op het beeld klommen was. What the extra work can…
KIJK. TikTokker follows zijn stolen laptop in roll zo Brusselse dievenbende op: “Leek wel de grot van Ali Baba”
Influencer Tony Aubé houdt geen goede herinneringen over aan zijn vakantie in België. Toen hij wilde trekken naar de Luchthaven were zijn rugzak, with laptop en paspoort, stolen in het…
KIJK. Groepje Brusselse jongeren penetrates Blaarmeersen binnen en pleegt gauwdiefstallen: één suspected gearresteerd | Gent
Het round de Blaarmeersen was not long standing. On day midday drong a group Brusselse jongeren het recreatiedomein binnen, om volgens onrust te stoken en gauwdiefstallen te plegen. A suspect…
Raad van State beslist dat Vlaams Belangmeeting in Brussel toch mag doorgaan: “Brusselse burgemeester is door de mand gevallen” | Brussels
The Raad van State schorst the decision of Brussels Burgemeester Philippe Close van afgelopen Wednesday, waarbij de betoging ‘Doe ze Luisteren’ van het Vlaams concerns and other seedlings will be…