Miljoenen euro’s lekken weg uit Brusselse riolering: “Risico on zincgaten dagelijks groter” | Inland

The Brussels Water Bedrijf Vivaqua, the head of drinking water is preferred and the river is protected, and there is a mountain of debt. “Riolen onderhouden lukt still amper. Elke maand zakt wel ergens in Brussel een stuk wegdek in,” sounds on Thursday in ‘De Standaard’.

Uit jaarverslagen en recente financiële memoranda die dagblad De Standaard konkijken blijkt dat de Brusselse intercommunale op de rand van de afgrond balancedert. You sleep in a million euros of debts in the region of 500 euros in total, 2,000 kilometers long, which was 220 kilometers “in the worst state”. Because of the IT problems, the facts can be correct. Dead slot stegen de loonkosten door opeenfollowing indexings sterk.

Bijna elke maand zakt we ergens in Brussel a stuk wegdek in. We stand on a hinge moment

Laurence Bovy, director-general of Vivaqua

“We can guarantee that the water from the crane will come to light, we can renovate it, there will be no amperage,” says director-general Laurence Bovy. “Last year, we had no need to have a large area, which was only 14 kilometers long. The risk on zinc gates is greater, with everything taken into account for safety. Bijna elke maand zakt we ergens in Brussel a stuk wegdek in. We stand on a hinge moment. I cannot guarantee that the continuïteit of our activities in the future is guaranteed. Ten opzichte van de ontvangsten is the fault of gewoonweg te groot. Zo gaat het niet meer.”

Water for Brussels

Vivaqua delivers as intercommunal water aan de negentien Brusselse gemeentes, which de service uitmaken to the waterbedrijf. Het Brussels Gewest is never a time. Toch broke Bovy voor financiële steun of het. “We have one essential service in Brussels, which has a large annual donation (…) One of the most important sources of income is the supply of water. The moment the money is being financed is broken. Straight away we can never read anything, and then the two people will overwhelm us.”
