Etiket: Braziliaanse
Lula and Bolsonaro on two rounds of Braziliaanse presidentsverkiezingen
De presidentsverkiezingen in Brazilië zijn more exciting uitgedraaid dan watched. Oud-President Lula da Silva wins the first round with 48 percent of the votes, what camp is in front of…
A follower of Braziliaanse President Bolsonaro will support supporters of candidate Lula Dood in a loop near Verkiezingen
A political discussion between two people is open in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. A follower of the extreme right-wing President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, held a follow-up of…
Braziliaanse man overleeft another half week op zee in koelkast | bizarre
A Brazilliaanse one has to have own numbers in a total of 11 days from the period overleafd. Toen zijn boat zone for de kust van Noord-Brazilië, klom hij snel…
Braziliaanse presidentskandidaat Lula belooft ontbossing Amazonewoud te bestrijden
Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva considered a new milieu and climatic conditions in India during October in Presidentsverkiezingen. “Ze zullen een einde maken an illegal good winning…
Helped a lot of people to understand small things about the processing of Braziliaanse democracy
In Brazil there are more than 500,000 people with a small number of people saying “the understanding of democracy”, but also as a big name in the country. The small…
Suspicions are known to British journalists and experts in Heemse people in Braziliaanse jungle | Buitenland
At least two people will be given permission to change their minds about the verdwijning van de Britse journalist Dom Phillips and he will give Bruno Pereira in the Braziliaanse…
Lichamen gevonden in zoektocht naar Britse journalist en Braziliaanse onderzoeker: ‘Vastgebonden aan boom’
De hoop dat de Britse journalist Dom Phillips (57) and de Brasiliaanse expert op het gebied van inheemse Bruno Pereira (41) were still in leven, what met de vondst van…
open Braziliaanse economy krijgt boost van ‘Oekraïne’
‘It is absolutely unique’, says the Brazilian-Nederlandse Giorgio Romano Schutte, who has international trekking in the economy at the Federal ABC University in São Paulo. Om twee talken had de…
At least 146 days during the rainy season in Braziliaanse Petrópolis
Het all mensen dat is omgekomen by aardverschuivingen and overstromingen in the city of Petrópolis in Brazilië is dead 146, and like 26 children. That report de politie en brandweer…