Etiket: bijeen
Wereldleiders bijeen in Munich for veiligheidsconferentie | Buitenland
The year’s top bijeenkomst wordt was organized in 1963. The bijeenkomst in a Beiers hotel brings international top functionarissen bijeen for informele discussions about flamboyant international veiligheidskwesties. The voice of…
Carpentry, sewing, cooking or tinkering: Talent class Praktijk Bijeen in Hoogeveen orientates with practice-oriented companies
Djamelia and Yaliza hard at work on the roof of the Tiny House. Photo André Weima The Talent Class Practice Meeting is a small class where students can be themselves…
Poetin roept Russian veiligheidsraad bijeen na explosie van Krimbrug | Buitenland
The security road comes regularly, also the Russian invasion in Oekraïne has happened for the last few months. De nieuwe vergadering volgt op de although explosion op de Krimbrug, a…
Oekraïne. Zelensky roept Veiligheidsraad bijeen for spoedvergadering • Hongarije steunt new energy sanctions tegen Russia not more
Here you want content to stay from bijv. Twitter, Facebook of Instagram If the content of the cookies can be delayed, we will have to wait for the cookies to…
Manifestants storm residentie president Sri Lanka, premier roept spoedvergadering regering bijeen | Buitenland
Tienduizenden betogers raise the day of the official residence of the Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa stormed in zijn het presidential palace also inland. This is known from a bron…
Big commission commission bijeen over kotcrisis: “Gelijke onderwijskansen bedreigd”
Flemish parlementslid Johan Danen (Groen) serves in the Flemish parlement een voorstel in om een verenigde commission Wonen en Onderwijs bijeen te roepen. The opposition will be discussed in Vlaanderen.…
Ook Belgium overweegt Oekraïne zwaar oorlogsmatterieel te leveren: federale regering vanmiddag bijeen
In February Leverde Belgium on the sea 5,000 machines, 200 anti-tank guns and 3,800 tons of fuel. The federal core, aangevuld with Minister van Defensie Ludivine Dedonder (PS), buigt zich…
Live flashing: “Russia klaar voor inval”, VN-Veiligheidsraad komt bijeen
The former Sovjet-Republiek Oekraïne zoekt toenadering tot het west. That will Russian President Vladimir Poetin vermijden: Hij Stuurde Meer da 190,000 militairen naar de grensregio. The most important developments in…
LIVE. Poetin beveelt Russian casual om "vrede te handle" in Donetsk and Loehansk – Johnson: invalid oekraïne can begin within a few years – VN Veiligheidsraad komt vannacht nog bijeen
The conflict between Russia and Oekraïne is escalating. Various signals are pointing in the right direction: • Russia has had a conflict in the past, with the recognition of the…