Carpentry, sewing, cooking or tinkering: Talent class Praktijk Bijeen in Hoogeveen orientates with practice-oriented companies

Djamelia and Yaliza hard at work on the roof of the Tiny House. Photo André Weima

The Talent Class Practice Meeting is a small class where students can be themselves and mainly work with their hands. Ten students from group 8, from various primary schools in Bijeen, meet every Wednesday morning and visit companies in the area.

Wood, that is the first thing you smell when you enter the practice room of RSG Wolfsbos Harm Smeenge. Nine students from the Talent Class Praktijk Bijeen are working in the classroom. They make a tiny house in groups of three. This is one of the activities that they will complete in the coming period.

The Talent Class is a pilot and started in September. “We looked at all thirteen schools to see who was just missing out in the areas of arithmetic, language or English,” says initiator and internal supervisor Annet Kreulen of obs de Schuthoek. “The students have been selected to participate in this group based on certain factors, such as social or motor skills that are not as skilled as other children of their age. You often see that these students, for example, make less good contact in a group and often play or are alone,” she says.
