Etiket: afound
Vast in net biger in het beestje zelf: steeds sea entangled zeehonden afound in Netherlands
The year began in the Netherlands and was very well placed in two nice areas. The specialized Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen has to worry about the name. This week he will be…
Enveloppen met suspected poeder afound in cantors Staatsveiligheid en Brussels justitiepaleis
In a cantoorgebouw on the Brussels Albert II road, which had various administrative offices, an envelope was found with suspicion. This is reported by the Brussels fire department. Volgens brandweerwoordvoerder…
Lichaam afound in Rijsel after being built
Cort for 1.30 a.m. “hebben de redddingsdiensten het lichaam van een overleden person gelokaliseerd”, klonk het. About the identity of the slaughterhouse will be made clear, but the branding will…
Bijna 5.000 wietkoekjes afound in Nederlandse bakkerij | Nieuws
The suspicions and ‘bijzondere Bakkerspraktijken’ kwamen volgens de Nederlandse politie eerder dit jaar in beeld. That’s why it’s open today because it’s an invalid. In de bakkerij in Schiedam there…
20 kilo coke afound in ouderlijke woning
Speurders van de Antwerpse politie deden dinsdag een inval in de ouderlijke woning van Amir Bachrouri in Borgerhout. When the door is opened, the speurders are filled with 20 kilograms…
Afound expands to Denmark and Norway
Marketplace Afound continues to expand in Europe, launching in Denmark and Norway. The platform has been available in Denmark since last week, the Swedish clothing group Hennes & Mauritz, to…
Oud-medewerker Epstein dood afound in cel
The Fransman Jean-Luc Brunel, a former medewerker van de overleden Amerikaanse Miljonair en veroordeelde zedendelinquent Jeffrey Epstein, is found in zijn gevangeniscel in Parijs. That reports Le Parisien. The 70-plusser…