Surprising news from Novak Djokovic

Surprising news from Novak Djokovic: The tennis superstar, who was not vaccinated against the corona virus, is now investing in research against Covid-19.

A few days after his entry prank at the Australian Open, which ultimately ended with his expulsion from Australia, Novak Djokovic made headlines again – this time with a quite surprising financial investment.

The 34-year-old Serb holds around 80 percent of the shares in the Danish biotech company QuantBioRes. This was confirmed by the head of the company, Ivan Loncarevic, to the news agencies “Reuters” and “AFP”. Djokovic is co-founder and majority owner of the company, which has existed since June 2020.

QuantBioRes is currently working to develop a medical treatment against the disease Covid-19 caused by the coronavirus. Eleven people are working on the project in Denmark, Australia and Serbia.

“We want to develop a new technology to fight viruses and resistant bacteria and have decided to use COVID as an example,” said Loncarevic: “If we are successful with Corona, we will be successful with other viruses.”

The QuantBioRes managing director did not want to reveal how much money Djokovic put into the company.

Are sponsors turning away from Novak Djokovic?

Djokovic, who is said to be in Belgrade at the moment, tried to circumvent the Australian vaccination requirements with an exceptional permit and thus take part in the Australian Open. After days of back and forth, he finally had to leave the country.

The number one in the world tennis rankings is threatened with further adversity in the coming weeks and months. Djokovic may also miss the French Open because of the new rules for unvaccinated people in France.

In addition, several sponsors announced that they wanted to examine the incidents surrounding the 20-time Grand Slam champion in Australia.

Criticism of Novak Djokovic does not stop

Meanwhile, the criticism of Djokovic has not stopped. Tennis legend Martina Navratilova rumbled in an interview with the “Tennis Channel”: “Many mistakes were made on so many levels. So many unforced mistakes, but the biggest came from Novak. He started it all.”

“Novak knew all the risks because the government clearly defined the rules. His feeling for the situation was questionable,” criticized British tennis professional Cameron Norrie in the “Tennis Talk” podcast.



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