Super Bowl Fever: American Football Movies to Binge

To follow the fever superbowl, a list of the best football movies. Films that capture the determination, the drama, the glory and even the absurd comedic potential of the sport. The list includes classics like “Remember the Titans” and “Rudy”, comedies like “The Waterboy”, “The Replacements”, and films that review the football industry “Jerry Maguire” and “Draft Day”.

Children’s films, such as “Little Giants”, adolescent films such as “Varsity Blues”, and university and inspirational films: “We Are Marshall”. Fictions, often based on reality, that capture the spirit of the footballa sport that we rarely practice in our pampas, but that we have slowly adopted, at least in its maximum date, due to the influence of North American culture that also includes some of its best performers in these films: Al Pacino in “Any Given Sunday ”, is just an example.

The Substitutes (2000)

The Washington Sentinels players just went on strike. Struggling to find a solution, the team’s owner brings back legendary coach Jimmy McGinty (Gene Hackman) to recruit a team of amateurs who can play for a couple of weeks. In front will be a former star who saw his career cut short, Shane Falco (Keanu Reeves) seconded by a group of misfits (including Jon Favreau, director of “Ironman” and “The Mandalorian”) who see this as the second chance they have waited their entire lives.

The Longest Mile (2005)

Paul Crewe (Adam Sandler), is a disgraced football quarterback: he ends up in jail, where the manipulative director (James Cromwell) recruits him to advise the institution’s team. The inmates will play against the prison guards team with the help of jailed former NFL coach Nate Scarborough (Burt Reynoldsprotagonist of the original version of 1974).

Heaven Can Wait (1978)

Joe Pendleton (Warren Beatty), is a Los Angeles Rams quarterback who dies in a car accident. In the afterlife, Joe discovers that his guardian angel (Buck Henry) has taken him out of his body prematurely and many more years await him on Earth. Unable to return to his body, Joe is reincarnated as billionaire Leo Farnsworth, through whom he tries to return to football.

Selection Day (2014)

Sonny Weaver Jr. (Kevin Costner, a lover of sports movies) is the general manager of the Cleveland Browns, preparing for one of the most important days of the year: the NFL draft. His life is in chaos: his lover (Jennifer Garner) is pregnant, and the team owner (Frank Langella) wants to fire him. But he can turn his luck around if he makes a good move on the selection of a star player.


Invincible (2006)

Mark Wahlberg is an American football fan who fulfills his dream when he is signed by the Philadelphia Eagles at the age of 30. He’ll get a chance to prove it’s never too late as he becomes the oldest rookie in NFL history (not having played football in college). Completing the cast are Greg Kinnear and Elizabeth Banks, in the film directed by Ericson Core.

Varsity Blues (1999)

In West Canaan, Texas, you live for high school football. When starting quarterback Lance Harbor (Paul Walker) turns up injured, the ruthless Coyotes coach (Jon Voight) must promote benchwarmer Mox (James Van Der Beek of Dawson’s Creek) to lead the team in his quest for a divisional title. And Mox must deal with the pressure of carrying the aspirations of an entire town on his shoulders.

Any given Sunday (1999)

D’Amato’s Miami Sharks (Al Pacino) are no longer on top. Now his team is sinking and the 39-year-old quarterback (Dennis Quaidwhich has more leading roles in films in the field than any other), is injured. Jamie Foxx He will appear as the surprise to revive the illusions of the team, although D’Amato is in a constant fight with the owner of the team (Cameron Diaz). Probably the best movie in the category. jewel of Oliver Stone.

We Are Marshalls (2006)

In 1970, Marshall University and the small town of Huntington are reeling when a plane crash claims the lives of 75 of the school’s players, staff members and reinforcements. The new coach, Jack Lengyel (Matthew McConaughey), arrives on the scene in March 1971 determined to rebuild Marshall’s Thundering Herd and heal a grieving community in the process. Anthony Mackie (Falcon and the Soldier and Winter) completes the cast.

Tom Cruise

Jerry Maguire (1996)

Sports agent Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) has a crisis of conscience, writes an emotional memo to the entire company, and gets fired the next day. Desperate to hold on to the athletes he represents, he starts his own management company, but only single mother Dorothy (Renee Zellweger), follows it. He will bet everything on his only client, football player Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.), who is only interested in showing him the money. But everyone will change their eyes in the process.

The Blindside (2009)

Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) is a homeless black teenager, who has been in and out of the school system for years, until Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) and her husband Sean (Tim McGraw), take him in. And Michael’s tremendous size and protective instincts make him a formidable force for the school team. Bullock earned an Oscar nomination for this story based on true events.

Denzel Washington

Remember the Titans (2000)

In Virginia, high school football is a way of life, a revered institution. But in 1971, football and high school are forced into racial inclusion. And the new coach (Denzel Washingtonin another of his brilliant performances) will have the mission of breaking down prejudices.

Rudi (1993)

Rudy Ruettiger (Sean Astin, the Sam from “The Lord of the Rings”) wants to play football at the University of Notre Dame. But he doesn’t have the money or the qualifications to qualify for a scholarship. Rudy then redoubles his efforts to get out of the company where his father works, and overcoming his dyslexia thanks to his friend and tutor, D-Bob (Jon Favreau), gains admission to Notre Dame and begins to make his way in the legendary team of school football.

by RN

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