Study on the long-term use of paracetamol: ‘Voral oppassen bij blood pressure and hard patients’

Het gaat om een pod study from the University of Edinburgh, which will be published in the Wetenschapsblad Circulation. 110 variable names twice long, four times per day, 1g paracetamol – a used dose for patients with chronic pain. According to the names of testers, two long placebo pills are used. Twee derde van de vrijwillers neemt also medicijnen tegen hoge bloeddruk.

With the results of the test, the results of paracetamol in the blood, “een van the most important risk factors for hardship and risk”, said more strongly than the placebo, said James Dear. The study advises artsen then also om patiënten met chronic pijn te laten begin with a laag mogelijke dose of paracetamol. Since then, blood pressure and hard patients should be housed in the gates for a long time.

“It was never over a single time that paracetamol was used during the course of the year, and that is why it is natural to me,” said Iain MacIntyre, adviser at the Britse NHS (National Health Service).

Known factors

Dipender Gill, lecturer in clinical farmacology at the St George University in London, said on the BBC that the publication “a small number of betekenisvoll verhoging van de bloeddruk in een bare Schotse bevolking” had been given, but that he “nog veel onbekenden factors zijn”.

So Gill shows that het nog not duidelijk is of the waargenomen bloeddrukstijging zou aanhouden by long-term use of paracetamol of that het slechts om a tijdelijke stijging gaat. “Ten two is het not zeker of een bloeddrukstijging als gevolg van paracetamolgebruik zou suffer tot een verhoogd risico op hart- en vaatziekten”, Aldus Gill. It is due to the fact that there are more people, over a longer period of time, before the circumstances are confirmed.


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