Strike ‘with national impact’ at ING on March 30 | Interior

ING Bank staff will once again campaign for a better collective bargaining agreement on Thursday 30 March. According to the trade union movement, this is a strike ‘with national impact’ that will last one working day.

Duygu Akçay, trade director of FNV Finance, confirms to this editor the intention of the day of action. She does not want to give details in order to maximize the surprise effect of the strike, the driver indicates.

So it remains unclear which departments will be affected by employees going off work on March 30. Akçay: ,,The action day can also have consequences for customers of ING Bank, which is inherent to a strike. But the board can prevent everything by making a good collective bargaining offer.”

ING is currently offering all its employees a wage increase of 4 to 7 percent in 2023, depending on the level of the salary. In 2024, a collective increase of 3 percent and an individual increase of 1 to 2 percent will follow. The height of the salary scales themselves will also be stretched and there will be more scope for making differences in order to reward performance and development financially.

According to the FNV, the current, improved offer is still ‘not nearly enough’. The trade union director indicates that it will probably not stop at the action day on March 30 if ING Bank does not bow to the union demands.

Earlier this month, ING Bank employees already took a two-hour work break because an ultimatum from the trade union movement for a collective bargaining deal had expired. The unions mainly want the certainty that the board will compensate for any consequences of inflation in the coming years.
