Strike in the schools of Catalonia: like this, no

Participation in the demonstrations has gathered thousands of people. But even so, the vast majority of teachers have decided not to support the strike. so they say the figures that testify for sure who have given up their salary. And how many don’t. Less than 9% in the arranged. And 31% in the public. Which does not mean that they could have protested in the street and, in turn, have taught classes so as not to lose part of their salary.

That could be one of the reasons for a poorer follow-up than expected. Giving up five days of salary is not always within the reach of all pockets.

Or maybe it is that after so much total or partial stoppage, during the hateful pandemic, there are many teachers who do not look favorably on a stoppage of nothing more and nothing less than five school days.

That without counting what do parents think that their offspring -after what they experienced through the pandemic- stay without classes for the umpteenth time. But that is another song.

Or perhaps it is that the representativeness of the unions, and their bets, are in question. And that unions and teachers are not exactly the same. And that should worry the unions a lot. In addition to inviting reflection.

The vast majority of parents do not think it is bad that the course starts earlier. And don’t tell us that this is not the real reason for the strike. Don’t tell us milongas, please. We are the same mothers and fathers who did not understand the visceral rejection of the unions to return to school defended by Bargalló at the end of spring 2020. Or the same parents who we breathe relieved when González-Cambray defended a prompt and normal return to the classroom after that disastrous manifesto of experts who intended in January 2021 to paralyze education again

There is no doubt that it is essential to always improve and meet the needs of the school. What does not take away the weariness for these two years and a union attitude that we have not understood.

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OR We reconcile legitimate corporate interests with those of students and families or we are going to ruin any real improvement that responds to the common good.
