Steroids made such a mark on the young man’s back

Johnathon “John Joshua” James had a bad back from steroids.

Steroids have several nasty side effects. PDO

Jonathan James20, said at the end of April On Tiktok of his steroid experiments. The young man shared rough pictures of his back after four months of use.

– Steroids did this to my back, James said in the video.

The back was completely covered with acne.

– When I did research, it turned out that steroids cause acne on the back. It’s not great. My back is full of sores and it feels horrible all the time, James said.

When the man started working out at the gym at the beginning of the year, he reported a weight of 68 kilos. At the end of April, James said that the weight had increased to no less than 81 kilograms.

Although, according to James, steroids cause unpleasant side effects in the form of acne, he assured that he will continue his activities. However, the man does not recommend the substances to others.

According to the health library, the use of anabolic steroids has several harmful side effects. In addition to physical problems, they can also affect, for example, mood.

– A disproportionate feeling of hilarity (euphoria) or depression may occur. The surface burns sensitively and many of the users show outright aggression. Sleep difficulties occur especially after a period of use, on the website.

Anabolic steroids also greatly increase the risk of heart disease, among other things.

According to James, his back looked like this after the man had been on steroids for four months. Screenshot from James’ Tiktok
