Special cookbook with dishes from the region | 1Limburg

Venray favourites: under this title a cookbook will be presented in October in Venray with recipes from amateur chefs who have a bond with the municipality.

About half of the 55 recipes contain a background story to also clarify the link with Venray.

‘Varied cookbook’
Delene van Helmond of the Rooyse Ladies, the initiators of this cookbook, is enthusiastic. “It contains recipes and stories from people who come from Venray, who have come to Venray or who have a historical connection with Venray, so a very varied one,” says Van Helmond on L1 Radio.

She hopes to have the cookbook printed this summer: “At the moment we are busy cooking and photographing the dishes. This is done in a special way, because photographing food is very difficult. We also take pictures with the participants , so we are busy being able to print in the summer,” says Van Helmond.

The creation of the book turns out not to be as easy as thought: “You have to check whether it is correct. Many dishes were created somewhere at some point, so you have to work precisely.”

The proceeds of the book will be donated to a work of art and play in the Odapark in Venray. The book is expected to be available in mid-October.
