SPD MPs: Some Corona rules are difficult to understand

The SPD parliamentary group is criticizing the red-green-red Senate’s corona policy. The health policy spokeswoman, Bettina König, called for decisions to be comprehensible.

The Corona Ordinance of the Senate changes direction in a few key points. “Things that were valid for a long time are no longer valid,” said König, who is also deputy leader of the parliamentary group, on Thursday in the House of Representatives. “PCR tests are being replaced by rapid tests, isolation is being reduced.” Quarantine hardly plays a role anymore, contact tracing is suddenly no longer important.

Some changes went in the right direction. “Others are at least difficult to understand and are not self-explanatory,” criticized König.

“The very sudden waiver of quarantine for contact persons in school and daycare came unexpectedly, to say the least for me personally, in the pandemic phase with most infections,” criticized the health expert.

“It means that children and families in particular can no longer avoid the pandemic.” School and daycare are very sensitive areas. “This is also reflected in the many e-mails that are now reaching me,” said the SPD MP.

“If you change course like that, you have to explain why,” she demanded. “The incidence of infection in schools and day care centers is enormous. The Senate is responsible for this. He must ensure that children, parents, teachers, educators and vulnerable people in our society continue to be safe.”

There is a lot of uncertainty at the moment. “It would be fatal if the impression of helplessness, of being driven or of the indifference of politics towards individual groups arises,” warned König. “That would risk losing all the people willing to help fight the pandemic, and we can’t let that happen to us.”

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It must be possible for everyone to simply understand what is valid and what is important. “Our pandemic policy would have failed if people no longer understood what politicians decide,” said König.

“That’s why we have to make every decision transparently, explain every single measure in an understandable way, and every rule has to be comprehensible.”


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