Sovereignty restarts course looking again for its lost unity

Jan 09, 2022 at 20:31


Fidel Masreal

-Monday, November 22. The spokeswoman for Junts per Catalonia demands an urgent meeting at the highest level due to the (umpteenth) disagreement, this time on the budgets. Almost two months later, there is no evidence that the meeting took place or, most importantly, that there have been changes in the strategic disunity of sovereignty, which continues as a great pending subject of this political space in this reopening of the course after the holidays. The actors involved assume the evidence while launching more or less direct invectives about what to do to walk towards the independence.

The ‘president’, Pere Aragonès, has already publicly raised the need to address a plan B if the dialogue table with the Government it does not bear fruit. In Junts they take the opportunity to throw darts in private and in public, while the CUP has been installed on the claim of a new referendum independence, which the other two partners reject. Faced with this situation, the social entities of the independence movement try unsuccessfully to put oil in the coordination mechanisms.

Junts probe scenarios

Junts is the one that has launched the most, in public and in private, probe balloons on future scenarios. Inside, deputies from the formation are committed to shortening the two-year margin period that has been given to the negotiating table. These voices consider that ERC’s pact with the ‘commons‘For Catalan budgets, the ban has been opened to be able to rethink everything. The president of the Parliament, Laura Borràs, from JxCat, does not miss the opportunity to demand details and even to propose that the eventual return of the ‘expresident’ Carles puigdemont serve to “complete independence”, as he has stated to ‘El Nacional’, without specifying how.

ERC, on the other hand, maintains the planned course, without neglecting the flank of the most radical, for which Aragonès recalled that the pact with JxCat also includes looking for alternatives for the future. But the Republicans have not shown a sign of nervousness about the movements of their partners and are sticking to the planned plan. Meanwhile, urgent meetings at the highest level are still waiting. And the fruits of these appointments, even more.


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