Sky learned about Johnson’s plans to send the British defense secretary to Moscow

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Sky News: Prime Minister Johnson to send Defense Secretary Wallace to Moscow

Defense Minister Wallace invited Shoigu to London in mid-January to discuss the situation around Ukraine. Shoigu responded by offering to hold talks in Moscow. Wallace is expected to accept the invitation

UK Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace

(Photo: Marcin Nowak / Keystone Press Agency / Global Look Press)

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to instruct Defense Secretary Ben Wallace to accept the offer of his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu to visit Moscow, Sky News reports, citing a source in the kingdom’s government. He did not specify when the trip of the British minister could take place.

“The prime minister’s position is that the situation in Ukraine is the biggest test of NATO’s unity and resolve in decades,” Sky News said.

According to him, Johnson believes that it is “extremely dangerous” to stay away from the situation with Ukraine, he is informed about developments every day.

A few days ago, Wallace invited Shoigu to London to discuss the situation in Ukraine. The Russian Defense Minister, in a reply letter, confirmed “the readiness to discuss all pressing security issues”, but offered to hold talks in Moscow “at any time convenient for the British Defense Minister. Shoigu added that the resumption of contacts in the spirit of goodwill between Russia and the UK would help reduce tensions in Europe.

The head of the Russian department recalled the meeting of the parties in London in 2013 in the 2+2 format (Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with their British counterparts Philip Hammond and William Hague). Then, according to Shoigu, the countries demonstrated “the possibility of a constructive dialogue.”


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