Skid athletes arrived in Beijing – national bobsleigh coach attacks NADA – Olympics

“Everyone is fine and none tested positive upon arrival at the airport. That’s the most important thing for now.”, Norbert Loch is absolutely relieved. The national luge coach can now concentrate on the sporting preparations.

Gold hope Frederick

This also applies to his colleague Rene Spies in the bobsleigh camp. Also present: Francesco Friedrich, who is aiming for the expected gold medals in TEAM D in the two-man and four-man bobsleigh.

Just like everyone else in the team, Friedrich has to be careful about what he eats. For the time being, the bobsleigh team is staying in a hotel outside the Olympic village. All meat products are not yet released there. All that remains for Friedrich and Co. is: no meat, appropriate shakes or a trip to the canteen in the Olympic Village. The food there is controlled and possibly not contaminated with illegal growth hormones.

Criticism of NADA

The national coach still has more stomach rumblings about the test procedure NADA in the doping tests of the last few weeks in Germany. “The testers weren’t tested. That’s incomprehensible given all the effort we put into it.”, René Spies is annoyed. Background: According to Spies, the inspectors did not have to be tested for Corona beforehand during the doping tests of his athletes. “Sometimes they sit in the hotel room for 15 or 20 minutes and prepare the test. And we don’t know if they’re safe.”says the national coach.


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