Silvana García Varela: DIM fashion image

What problems do women encounter in everyday life in relation to their image in society and the prejudices that are generated?

The terms fat, skinny, tall, short, old, plus size, curvy, added to the social pressure to label us and place us in groups that mark and discriminate against us.

The greatest impact I have had in these 20 years as an image coach and designer is that despite the passage of time and the achievements we have as women, many still feel in a condition of aesthetic inferiority due to the passage of time, extra kilos and different body factors.

What is the approach you take with your students?

My job as founder and director of DIM imagen moda has been, throughout all these years, to teach my students and graduates the true value of fashion in the world of women.

My vision is to get women to use clothing as a means of communication to tell the world who they are and who they are not, to feel displaced for not belonging to the stereotypes of beauty that have governed us for hundreds of years.

It is an arduous and personal work, which is sustained through image coaching tools, which I have created based on all my experience and which have also demonstrated their effectiveness so that each woman who accesses my consultation or that of one of my my graduates, establish a relationship of respect and love with your image.

I fervently believe that all women are beautiful, in different ways. But if we subordinate beauty based on a stereotype, we are missing the point, because we precisely avoid the main value, which is that each one of us is unique and unrepeatable. I understand that for many people this is a utopian idea, but I have been able to demonstrate, beyond the initial deserters that always surround us, that fashion does not have to be frivolous and that change has really already begun to grow and change the paradigm.

Enhance your image is to recognize how much you are worth, study your unique and unrepeatable characteristics, learn to value them, love them and above all, achieve through color techniques, coaching and styling achieve an image that makes you feel happy when you look in the mirror.

Always emphasizing that the important thing is not to look like anyone or fit into someone else’s visual expectations, but to be so simple and complex at the same time, to feel happy with the skin you live in.

Contact information:


Mail: [email protected]

Phone from Argentina: (+54) 1161102419

Peru phone: (+51) 987 565 255

Instagram: @dim_image_fashion

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